Matific and Cami Maths

Cami Matific

Both of these interactive apps can be used by learners to practice mathematics, do revision and study in their own time at home.
These apps make learning fun and exciting!
Beide toeps kan gebruik word op slimfone, tablette, skootrekenaars of rekenaars.

Grade 1 Gardening

longacres private school langebaan foundation phase gardening

“Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden.”

Grade 1 Longacres Private School's pupils are all involved in our gardening program. We prepare the soil, plant seeds, weed, maintain our patch and watch our crops grow. Pupils learn about seasonal vegetables, as well as various other plants and crops.

Grade 2 French Knitting

french knitting at longacres private school 3

“Knitting makes me happy. Being happy is good for my health. Therefore knitting is good for my health.”

At Longacres Private School in Langebaan, each pupil has a creative side and with this activity children get another oppourtunity to explore their creativity. Pupils are challenged mentally and attempt practical problem solving whilst working on the creations.

Grade 3 Knitting

Longacres Private School in Langebaan foundation phase knitting

“In the rhythm of the needles, there is music for the soul.”

Knitting isn't just for grannies and boring aunts. No, at Longacres, the grade 3 classes will learn all the skills and enjoyment of this ancient art. We will also apply our knitwear to entrepreneurship to see who is the boss of our new generation.

Music Education

music education at longacres private school 1

“Every child is talented. Any child who is properly trained can develop musical ability, just as all children develop the ability to speak their mother tongue. The potential of every child is unlimited”

The focus in music education is on skills development, communication and creativity. Music offers a way for learners to get to know themselves, but also others. Research shows that children who participate in music activities are more often chosen as leaders and perform better academically.


foundation stage percussion band at longacres private school langebaan

“Practice from the head, play from the heart”

Junior Choir

junior choir at longacres private school 1

“HAPPINESS IS…..singing in a choir!”

Art Education

Longacres Private School in Langebaan foundation phase art

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

WOW Spelling Festival

wow 1 at longacres private school 1

“The more you READ, the more you will KNOW. The more you LEARN, the more places you will GO.”


longacres private school langebaan foundation phase orators

“If you can speak, you can influence. If you can influence, you can change lives.”


Technology Integration

longacres private school langebaan foundation phase technology integration

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”

In all grades, each student has access to an iPad. This exciting new technology is used to draft and edit writing, practice math facts, access online educational programs, and create student projects. Students are more engaged and willing to participate in the learning process.Wireless capability means teachers aren't tied to their computer, and don’t need to worry about someone tripping over cables. A variety of differentiated teaching methods are geared to the individual learner. At any time there may be small groups working together, hands-on activities, and whole group instruction using the Smart Boards.

Pos Adres

Posbus 306
Loopstraat 47
Langebaan, 7357

Office | Kantoor

Tel. 022 772 0302

Postal Address

P.O. Box 306
47 Loop Street
Langebaan, 7357



Longacres Private School Langebaan YouTube channel